7/23/2004, MAC04-NJD04, Minute Maid Park
                       1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9     R  H  E   LOB DP
2004 Peaches           0  0  1  6  0  1  0  4  8    20 18  0     6  1
2004 Devils            0  0  0  1  0  1  0  0  0     2  4  1     4  2
Peaches              AB  R  H BI   AVG    Devils               AB  R  H BI   AVG
Guillen           ss  3  2  3  3 1.000    Martinez          ss  4  0  0  0  .294       
 Castro           ph  0  1  0  0  .000    Winn              rf  3  2  2  1  .292       
Morris            2b  6  1  3  2  .500     Robinson         ph  1  0  0  0  .229       
Clark             1b  5  1  1  1  .167    Buchanan          1b  3  0  0  0  .244       
 Phillips         ph  1  1  1  2  .286    Anderson          lf  2  0  0  0  .274       
Guerrero          rf  4  1  1  0  .273     Sandberg         ph  1  0  0  0  .400       
 Hocking          ph  1  1  1  1 1.000    Jordan            dh  3  0  1  0  .264       
Helms             3b  4  1  2  2  .545     Rivas            ph  1  0  0  0  .301       
 Tatis            ph  1  0  0  0  .000    Randa             3b  2  0  0  0  .317       
 Mateo            rf  0  1  0  0  .000     Jackson          ph  1  0  0  0  .294       
Jones,A           cf  4  3  2  4  .231    Owens             cf  3  0  0  0  .167       
Macias            lf  5  2  2  0  .400    Fordyce           c   3  0  1  0  .224       
Guiel             dh  2  2  0  0  .000    Hart              2b  3  0  0  0  .230       
 Vina             ph  2  0  0  0  .222                         30  2  4  1             
Walbeck           c   4  3  2  3  .500                                              
                     42 20 18 18                                                    
Peaches                          INN  H  R ER BB  K PCH STR   ERA
Perez            W 1-0           6.1  4  2  2  3  6 104  68  2.84
Boyd                             2.2  0  0  0  0  2  27  19  0.00
                                 9.0  4  2  2  3  8 131  87 
Devils                           INN  H  R ER BB  K PCH STR   ERA
Franklin         L 0-11          9.0 18 20 20 10  5 208 113 11.56
                                 9.0 18 20 20 10  5 208 113 
MAC: Hocking batted for Guerrero in the 8th
     Tatis batted for Helms in the 8th
     Mateo inserted at rf in the 8th
     Hocking moved to 3b in the 8th
     Vina batted for Guiel in the 9th
     Castro batted for Guillen in the 9th
     Phillips batted for Clark in the 9th
     Castro moved to ss in the 9th
     Phillips moved to 1b in the 9th
NJD: Robinson batted for Winn in the 8th
     Robinson moved to rf in the 9th
     Sandberg batted for Anderson in the 9th
     Rivas batted for Jordan in the 9th
     Jackson batted for Randa in the 9th
E-Owens. 2B-Guerrero, Hocking. 3B-Winn, Fordyce. HR-Guillen 2(2), Clark(1), 
Helms(2), Jones,A 2(2), Walbeck(1), Winn(4). K-Morris, Clark, Helms, Jones,A, 
Guiel, Winn, Buchanan 2, Anderson, Jordan, Owens, Hart, Sandberg. 
BB-Guillen 2, Jones,A 2, Macias, Guiel, Walbeck, Hocking, Mateo, Castro, 
Buchanan, Anderson, Randa. HBP-Guiel. HB-Franklin. WP-Perez. 
GWRBI: Guillen
Temperature: 89, Sky: clear, Wind: out to left at 6 MPH.
7/23/2004, MAC04-NJD04, Minute Maid Park
                       1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9     R  H  E   LOB DP
2004 Peaches           0  0  1  6  0  1  0  4  8    20 18  0     6  1
2004 Devils            0  0  0  1  0  1  0  0  0     2  4  1     4  2
Peaches              -----A------ -----B------ -----C------ -----D------ -----E------
Guillen           ss 1>W            HR           S            HR           note 1    
 Castro           ph                                                                 
Morris            2b   9            53           S.1-2        k            note 2    
Clark             1b   8          4>HR           643/gdp    7>k            note 3    
 Phillips         ph                                                                 
Guerrero          rf   9            D          5>9            8                      
 Hocking          ph                                                       W         
Helms             3b 2>k            HR.2-H       S            7                      
 Tatis            ph                                                       9         
 Mateo            rf                                                                 
Jones,A           cf   k            HR           4          8>W          9>W         
Macias            lf   6            63           64/f         S.1-2        W.1-2     
Guiel             dh 3>9            W          6>k            HP.2-3;1-2             
 Vina             ph                                                       9         
Walbeck           c    43           HR.1-H       8            note 4       note 5    
 1: W.3-H;2-3;1-2  2: S.3-H;2-3;1-2  3: 643/gdp.3-H;2-3  4: W.3-H;2-3;1-2 
 5: S.2XH(82);1-3 
Devils               -----A------ -----B------ -----C------ -----D------ -----E------
Martinez          ss 1>8            63           8          8>8                      
Winn              rf   k(23)      4>T          6>HR                                  
 Robinson         ph                                          5                      
Buchanan          1b   W            wp.3-H       k            k                      
Anderson          lf   7            k            W                                   
 Sandberg         ph                                        9>k                      
Jordan            dh 2>7            S            k                                   
 Rivas            ph                                          63                     
Randa             3b   31           W.1-2        64/f                                
 Jackson          ph                                          63                     
Owens             cf   43           5/f        7>k                                   
Fordyce           c  3>2/fl       5>43           T                                   
Hart              2b   k            9            Boyd                                
Peaches              -----F------ -----G------ -----H------ -----I------ -----J------
Guillen           ss                                                                 
 Castro           ph   W.1-2                                                         
Morris            2b   note 1                                                        
Clark             1b                                                                 
 Phillips         ph   S.3-H;2-H                                                     
Guerrero          rf                                                                 
 Hocking          ph   D.1-H                                                         
Helms             3b                                                                 
 Tatis            ph                                                                 
 Mateo            rf   W                                                             
Jones,A           cf   HR.2-H;1-H                                                    
Macias            lf   S                                                             
Guiel             dh                                                                 
 Vina             ph   43                                                            
Walbeck           c                                                                  
 1: S+e8.3-H;2-H;1-3;B-2 
Devils               -----F------ -----G------ -----H------ -----I------ -----J------
Martinez          ss                                                                 
Winn              rf                                                                 
 Robinson         ph                                                                 
Buchanan          1b                                                                 
Anderson          lf                                                                 
 Sandberg         ph                                                                 
Jordan            dh                                                                 
 Rivas            ph                                                                 
Randa             3b                                                                 
 Jackson          ph                                                                 
Owens             cf                                                                 
Fordyce           c                                                                  
Hart              2b                                                                 
Peaches          IN OUT ER                  Devils           IN OUT ER                  
Perez            A1  C8  2 W 1-0            Franklin         A1  F8 20 L 0-11           
Boyd             C9  D6  0